The Father Fit 

Newsletter - 002

7th July 2023

I’ve been pondering longevity and health span this week.

I’m keen to live a long life, but I really want to be living it in good health. I still want to be able to move and make memories when I’m knocking on the door of 100.

We can’t turn back time and make better ‘health choices’ when we’re old.

So, I’m guessing it’s a good plan to do the stuff that preserves our mind and body… right about now.

Incoming: 5 tips to help you live longer and a parenting quote that will get you thinking.

Health tip

Get this, we lose 3 to 8% of our muscle mass PER DECADE from the age of 30…

If you’re thinking, “F*ck, that’s a scary stat!”, don’t worry. I’m here to empower you.

We can 100% buck this trend with a few tweaks to our nutrition and lifestyle.

Yes, even those who have never prioritised health before…in fact, ESPECIALLY those people.

The biggest changes I see in clients are in those who have NEVER trained or focused on their nutrition before. It’s like your body is a lump of FRESH playdoh, just waiting (ready and willing) to be rolled out and sculpted.

So what can you do?

Parenting quote that got me thinking

“I realized that this is what many people in our society seem to want most from children: not that they are caring or creative or curious, but simply that they are well behaved.” - Alfie Kohn (Unconditional Parenting book)

I’ve started reading Unconditional Parenting by Alfie Kohn. It’s thought-provoking and questions modern day ‘goals’ of parenting. The book challenges parenting as a power dynamic where we need to ‘control’ our little one. Instead, cultivating a ‘working with’ parenting style.

I’m sure I’ll share more of what I learn in future newsletters and on social media. I’m excited to challenge the way I parent. The end goal is giving Beau and Poppy the skills they need to grow up healthy, caring, curious and responsible adults.

It’s certainly something to think about and I would love to hear your perspective, as a fellow Dad.

Dad joke

My dad always said, “The first rule of theatre is to always leave them wanting more”.

Great bloke.

Terrible anaesthetist.

Want to work with me?

For 1 on 1 coaching, reply to this email and we can have a chat.

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