The Father Fit 

Newsletter - 006

3rd August 2023

A healthy body isn’t any good without a healthy noggin.

If I offered you a magic pill to reduce your cognitive decline by 28%, would you take it?

This week’s parenting quote is ponders what you can control.

If your kid is anything like mine…’controlling’ them isn’t an option.

Health tip

I want you to feel empowered with the knowledge coming your way.

Nutrition is largely something we can control and influence.

If you've been on the wrong side of what you are about to read, it doesn’t matter.

You’re here now and you can change.

A moderate consumption of ultra processed foods accelerates cognitive decline by 28% compared with global average rates. 

That’s significant. Really significant.

What’s a “moderate amount”?

Well, according to research, a diet consisting of 19.6% or more calories from ultra processed foods.

What does that mean?

Let’s say you’re a 75kg guy who’s total daily energy expenditure is 2,500 calories.

20% of 2,500 is 500.

500 calories would be your limit for ultra processed foods.

Beyond that, it starts to sh*t on your mental wellbeing.

The next question is, what constitutes an ultra processed food?

That’s where it gets a bit more complex.

It’s a long question for this newsletter, I’ve got a more extensive article in The Father Fit Community. You can also read about ultra processed foods here.

The most commonly consumed UPF?

Ice cream, ham, sausages, crisps, mass-produced bread, breakfast cereals, biscuits, carbonated drinks, fruit-flavoured yogurts, instant soups. The list goes on.

Parenting quote that got me thinking

“Most parents think that if our child would just “behave,” we could maintain our composure as parents. The truth is that managing our own emotions and actions is what allows us to feel peaceful as parents. Ultimately, we can’t control our children or the hand life deals them—but we can always control our own actions. Parenting isn’t about what our child does, but about how we respond.” — Laura Markham

I’m all for focusing on what I can control.

Health is a result of daily habits. We focus on what we can do that day.

Too busy to train? No problem, do the best you can with nutrition and daily activity.

Focus on what you can control.

I (try to) take the same approach with parenting.

I can’t control how Beau or Poppy react. I can control how I react to them.

It’s not easy. I’m far from perfect. This quote was a timely reminder to stay calm and parent in a way I can be proud of.

I’m striving to focus on me, my reaction and what I can control.

This week’s dad joke

I wondered why the frisbee kept getting bigger and bigger…

Then it hit me.

If you want to see what’s inside The Father Fit Community, I recorded this walkthrough, check it out here.

Want to work with me?

For 1 on 1 coaching, reply to this email and we can have a chat.

Or, join The Father Fit Community (click the button below) and other like minded dads all improving their health and fitness.