The Father Fit 

Newsletter - 003

14th July 2023

I’ve enjoyed writing this one.

Let’s get into it!

Health isn’t just about calories, protein and moving more. There are nuances that need highlighting. I’m hoping this health tip is a catalyst for a longer, more fruitful life.

We all want the best for our kids… but what do you think is ‘the best’? I share my thoughts below.

The dad joke? This week’s is up there with the best (or worst).

Health tip

Okinawans (Japanese) call it “Ikagi”, Nicoyans (Costa Rican) call it “Plan de vida”.

Savvy readers may recognise these two blue zone hot spots. Blue zones have the highest proportion of residents surpass 100 years of age.

So what do “Ikagi” and “Plan de vida” translate to for us?

Having a purpose in life.

Research conducted in the US found people with a sense of purpose had a 15% lower risk of death compared to those ‘aimless’.

The best bit? It didn’t matter WHEN they found their purpose. It’s never too late.

It might help to have a definition. Here’s how the study’s author, Patrick Hill, defines purpose.

“A compass or lighthouse that provides an overarching and and direction in day-to-day lives.”

It doesn’t HAVE to be something grand, like social change, saving the oceans or finding another planet to live on. It can be as simple as making sure one’s family is fed nourishing food. It might be self-focused, like doing well on your job.

My purpose? Helping dads improve their health and become positive healthy role models for their little ones. I love what I do.

Living with purpose is thought to improve mindset and allow a better buffer of stress. In turn, reducing inflammation.

So, what’s yours? Drop me an email at

Parenting quote that got me thinking

“The best thing parents can do is to teach their children to love challenges, be intrigued by mistakes, enjoy effort, and keep on learning.” ― Carol Dweck

We all want the best for our kids. I spend a lot of time thinking “what is the best for Beau and Poppy?”.

It’s not an easy childhood with everything done for them.

To me (currently), it’s a childhood that develops self esteem, self worth and skills to live a purposeful life.

One of the foundations is mindset.

Carol Dweck proposes two types of mindset. Fixed mindsets and growth mindsets. If you want to know more, I’ve written this article in the community.

In Dweck’s book, Mindset, she gives insight in developing a growth mindset in little ones. Here are a few notes:

What do you think?

Dad joke

Why shouldn’t you brush your teeth with your left hand?

Because toothbrushes work much better!

Want to work with me?

For 1 on 1 coaching, reply to this email and we can have a chat.

Or, join The Father Fit Community (click the button below) and other like minded dads all improving their health and fitness.